Friday, July 27, 2012

Gethia's Bottles

So its me who's still reeling from the effect of another Japanese warrior movie (War of the Arrows in this case), while its K who's talking the weird - he thinks the bottles (he'd been savouring great Lychee squash from in the past month) are leaking PVC into his body supply; inside his chamber was a puddle of water egested in moment of revolt induced by this weird deduction. PVC, he says, is manufactured in really small units in the villages, at this small machine with mere two moulds... this is what comes into supply through such farm-fresh-bottles.

I could laugh at K's assumption of hill villages being anywhere comparable to the festival villages of the plains (esp his Maharashtra). Industries aren't set up at a whim - the whole valley will have investigated.
Well let me pacify K's concern, that the plastic bottle in Gethia comes from Khupi where it comes from Bhowali where it comes as freight from Haldwani where it comes from Pantnagar or Udham Singh Nagar.

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